How to Make Better Money Decisions in Your Business
Feb 20, 2025
Let's talk about something that's costing you money right now - and you might not even realise it. It's not your pricing strategy or your marketing spend. It's your ability (or inability) to make swift, confident decisions in your business.
Here's the truth: Success loves momentum. When you're paralysed by indecision, you're literally leaving money on the table. And I mean literally - I can visualise stacks of cash sitting there while someone walks away because they couldn't make a decision.
The Three Decision-Making Types I See in Business:
1. The Outsourcer You're constantly asking others what you should do. "Should I invest in this?" "Is this the right move?" While getting advice is brilliant, outsourcing your decisions means you're not building the self-trust muscle you need as a CEO.
I know this one intimately. In my first year of business, I had a coach who suggested I start a bookkeeping business because I was in finance. While it made logical sense, it wasn't aligned with my vision. Instead of trusting my gut and saying, "Actually, I want to create courses, run programs, and blend energetics with numbers," I waited for someone else to give me permission. That indecision cost me both time and money.
2. The Analysis Paralysis Pro You're deep in spreadsheets, studying every metric, trying to make the "perfect" decision. But here's the secret: You need both analysis AND intuition. As females in business, we need that perfect blend of strategy and energetics - some analysis, yes, but also trusting our gut feel.
When you're stuck in a spreadsheet spiral, you might miss opportunities that your intuition is screaming "yes" to, simply because the numbers don't show the full picture yet.
3. The Second-Guesser You make the decision (brilliant!), but then immediately spiral into doubt. "Should I have done this differently?" This shame spiral is the lowest frequency emotion we can experience - and it's killing your momentum.
Here's a tip: When you find yourself second-guessing a decision, first ask yourself, "Am I just tired?" Sometimes a good night's sleep is all you need to feel confident in your choice again.
Why This Matters
Every time you avoid making a decision, you're actually making one - you're choosing to stay still while opportunities pass by. Think about it: How many decisions do you make in your business every day? Thousands. And each one is an opportunity to move forward or stay stuck.
When you're leading a team (whether that's employees or contractors), your indecision creates frustration and energy leaks in your business. What we want instead is clean, clear, confident businesses - these are the structures that make money and allow us to have a fucking good time while we're doing it.
Final Thoughts
The magic happens when you can make bold, intentional decisions that blend both data and intuition. You don't need to make perfect decisions - you need to make confident ones and be ready to pivot if needed.
Remember: We're entering a new paradigm of business where it's okay to be brave, bold, and do things differently. Your business thrives when you trust yourself to make decisions and own them - whether they work out exactly as planned or become valuable learning experiences.
Ready to transform your decision-making abilities and make this year your most profitable year yet? Start by asking yourself: What decision have you been avoiding that could be costing you money right now?
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